
I am an accomplished professional with extensive experience in seamlessly integrating film pipelines into real-time workflows. I have a proven and successful track record of supervising teams of artists in teaching in-engine look development. I have developed and optimized workflows that facilitate the smooth transition of in-engine data ingestion and export from the front end to the back end. As a skilled project manager, I have been responsible for curating and delivering compelling in-house pitch materials.

My expertise lies in collaborating closely with production management to ensure the successful execution of production requirements, meeting target goals, and accurate bidding. I take pride in having pioneered a comprehensive in-engine approach, encompassing pre-production planning through to final elements. Leveraging a strategic partnership with Epic Games, I have played a pivotal role in refining key in-engine improvements and features, notably Substrate.

I have been a driving force in establishing effective communication with infrastructure teams, providing a coherent view of software and hardware necessities across various artistic disciplines. My collaboration with Production Engineering has yielded innovative tools, both internal and external to the engine, enhancing overall efficiency. My skill set also extends to crafting in-engine blueprints and functions, automating processes, and streamlining workflows by eliminating redundancies.

With my multifaceted experience and dedication to excellence, I am poised to contribute significantly to dynamic projects that demand a forward-thinking approach and technical acumen.

Awards and Accomplishments

  • Nomination,Outstanding Animated Performance in an Animated Feature, Visual Effects Society, 2016

  • Publication, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes:Interpreting Schulz in 3D, Siggraph 2015

Volunteer Experience

  • Election Official- NY Primary 2017, NY General 2017, NY Primary 2018, Federal Primary 2018, Federal General, 2018, NY Primary 2019

  • Women in Animation- Programmer and Team Volunteer

  • Triangle Community Center, Norwalk Connecticut- Programmer and Team Volunteer

  • Adopt-A-Dog- weekly walks every Wednesday 2013-2015

  • Dorothy Day Hospitality House, Danbury Connecticut- packing and distributing meals during the holidays
